James 1:12 – “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him”
Keep moving, keep going, keep rising, keep shining…. It’s like a mantra that plays over and over in my head. Grateful to God for my positive attitude.

Romans 15:5 – “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves…”
This stood out to me because sometimes, it is very hard to work with people, particularly a large group of people. But we have to stand together and continually hope and pray for a spirit of unity among us. United we will succeed, divided we will fail.
Colossians 1:29 – “To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me”
Finally, in this verse from Colossians, Paul says I’m struggling, but I’m working and God gives me the energy to keep going. And it’s not a weak energy, it is God’s power working through me to keep me going while I labor at my job, but even more so labor in service to Him at church and in the community. To God be the glory for the things He has done and continues to do! Be optimistic! -BlueLady
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