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Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Next 40 Days

By the time I finish this post, the Daniel Fast will have begun. This year, in addition to fasting, I really feel now is the perfect time to work on some other areas of my life. Areas that I slack on too often. So, in hopes of starting new habits, here I go!

Area 1: Reading my Bible
Area 2: Keeping the house clean
Area 3: Blogging

Area 1 is something I should be doing but rarely have the time/focus to devote to it. Knowing me and my beliefs and my love of reading, you would think it isn't an issue. It is.

Area 2 is something I never want to do until I absolutely have to. I can always find a good excuse not to clean. So when it has to be done, I have to start 16-hr cleaning bonanzas in order to get it together. Yup, definitely an issue.

Area 3 is more of a personal challenge. Could I maintain a daily blog? I find that my journals are really the key tools to remembering my life, particularly the high school and college years. In my book, if I didn't write about it, it didn't happen. So in order to effectively capture the essence of the 30+ version of me, I think the best way to do it is via blogging.

So here's the daily plan (including the DF) : read Bible in the morning, clean something every morning and every night, blog at night.

Feeling encouraged!

BBT (Be Back Tonight)
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