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Monday, March 3, 2014

Blogging My Way Through March - Day 2 - 3/2/14 Part Deux

Matthew 14:28
“’Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said.

As I undertake this blogging challenge, I have already started to wonder, what the heck will I write about 31 days straight?? Turns out, I have tons of materials – devotionals and self-help books etc. that can help inspire me if I’m lacking a topic.

Today, I pulled out a devotional that my coworker/friend, the late great Calvin H., gave me as my Secret Pal a couple of years ago. He admitted that his sisters bought it for me, but it was appreciated nonetheless. It is called “The Confident Woman” by Joyce Meyer. So, today I cracked it open. And today’s devotion was about not having fear and came from the scripture listed above.  (sidenote – I believe this was one of the texts that Lenell preached from last week too, but I’m not 100% certain).
I too have a lot in common with Peter!  Peter had no tact and always said what was on his mind. In this passage, he seems to be saying, okay Lord, I think I trust you, but I won’t know it’s real unless you tell me what to do. This is almost exactly how I’m approaching this seminary/grad school stuff. God, I want you to speak to me and maybe you have spoken to me, but I’m not sure if you were really telling me that, so can you tell me again just so I’m sure.
God, I know that you can do everything, but this is me we’re talking about here. I know you can do amazing things and have equipped others to do amazing things, but there’s no way that I can do that stuff….

Have to leave it there, because I’m out of time and it’s already March 3rd! Oh well, this has definitely given me food for thought and I pray for enough time and focus to do a real post tomorrow/today.



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