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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Re-prioritize – Putting God First (Part One) - 11/21/13

My church’s theme is The Year of Recovery and every month we focus on a word that starts with an R. Off the top of my head, I can’t remember what this month is, but that’s because I was in Virginia on 1st Sunday, Rev (our other pastor) preached 2nd Sunday, and we had a guest last Sunday. Anyway, yesterday, Pastor challenged me to a new R word… Re-Prioritize. She asked me to spend time thinking about my current priorities and re-order them. I think she also expects some stuff to get kicked off of the list altogether :-/
So, this morning, allow me to start thinking about it, writing about it, praying about it, so I can be prepared to receive what God has to say about it.

First, let’s backtrack. When people would ask any of the normal questions (How are you? What are you up to?), my answer would always be Work, Church, Sorority. I listed them thus because I felt time-wise, I literally spent the most time at work (something I have to do), then at church (at least 3 days per week because of the ministries I’m involved in), then my sorority because I just fit it in where I could. Then something changed, perhaps it was because I became an officer… I began to work on sorority stuff during free time at work, which at that time was a majority of the time. Then, this year, sorority stuff, by proxy began to take up more time but I think this was just happenstance. When your soror joins your church and becomes one of your best friends, I think sorority stuff tends to come to the forefront. Thus, my priorities became Sorority, Work, Church.

Which brings us back to the new beginning for this blog, where Pastor challenged me to stop focusing on what I was doing for who and actually spend some time with God every day.  Thus began the reading of His Word and the blogging. And it took me awhile to figure it out, but I can say that God is now the head of my priorities. But what about the rest of the list? Well, work has been downright crazy and I can’t even get Sorority stuff done there anymore (how dare they expect me to work at work? :-p) But in the sorority, I am holding different positions which mandate me to attend certain events. I have also renewed my commitment to the ministries that I’m in at church. So, as of today, right now at 6:15AM, I can say my priorities are God, Work, Sorority, and Church (Sorority only comes before church because of the mandatory events).

Here are some follow-up questions which I intend to answer in later posts:
What about Me Time? What about my family and friends?  How am I going to meet, maintain a relationship with, and eventually marry  my future husband with all of this going on? Why am I so committed to my sorority?

Lord, Your name is above all names. Forgive me for being so wrapped up in myself that I could barely see you. Thank you for gifting me with a way to put You first. Please continue to convict me so that I remain faithful in my daily devotions to you. Please help me to re-prioritize my life. Amen.

I guess today’s scripture is easy, right?  Seek ye first the Kingdom of God… But in checking my friend, the concordance, I found some other good ones. This was the first one listed under “Seek”.

1 Chronicles 28:8b-9
“Be careful to follow all the commands of the Lord your God, that you may possess this good land and pass it on as an inheritance to your descendants forever. And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever.”

OUCH! Conviction hurts. Post to be continued y’all. I gotta get dressed now. Driving out to Greentree every day sucks is not fun at all!


P.S. Gotta give you a video. This song jumped in my head!
J. Moss - God First

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