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Friday, November 29, 2013

I'm Thankful For 2004 (or today!) - 11/28/13 and 11/29/13 (updated!)

All day today, I have been singing a jacked up version of Ruben Studdard's "hit" - but replacing Sorry with Thankful.... I'm thankful for 2004! Bizarre, right? Especially because 2004 is almost 10 years ago and why am I thankful for that year? Idk, you know me and music....
Here is truly what I'm thankful for....  

I'm thankful for the basics! It's almost a gospel cliche... I'm thankful for the roof over my head, the shoes on my feet, the clothes on my back, and the food on my table. And while it may sound pedestrian, I'm thankful for even the tiniest blessings in my life! I'm thankful for the car I own now, and I'm thankful in advance for the much less expensive car I will own in the future.

I'm thankful for decent health! I was able to get out of bed today in my right mind! Cue the hallelujahs! But again, with my family's medical history, I could be dealing with a lot more than bad sinuses and migraines! God has been so good!

(Everything below was completed after I woke up at midnight LOL)

I'm thankful for my job. The stressful times, the busy times, the almost-nonexistent laid back times (smile), I'm grateful for a job that needs me so much! I'm also grateful to be part of my team. We freakin' rock. I'm thankful for my boss's health. This time last year, I remember being very worried. I'm thankful for the office where I was born, raised, and promoted. I'm extremely thankful that it will be moving in upcoming months... (For real, this time!)
I'm also thankful for my other "jobs" - my ministries at church and my responsibilities in Zeta. I love service!

I'm grateful for my family - family has always been a loose definition for me and has never just been defined by blood. But I'm super thankful for my sorors and Sigma brothers, every single one of my friends (shoutout to the bffs), my pastor(s) and all of the Bidwell family, my YaYas, my non-biological family (all the "aunts" and their families), and my real family (the Formleys, the Blackwells, the Gilliams). I'm thankful for my Daddy. God bless and keep him for becoming a single parent at 71 and thinking he would have it easy. Ha!
I'm thankful for those who I had the chance to know and love but have since gone on - Calvin, Uncle Tim, Aunt Rose, Armon, among others.
Finally, I'm so very thankful for being placed in the womb of Madelyn. My mom was an outstanding woman of God and I can only hope to be described similarly by my progeny someday....

I'm thankful for my relationship with the Triune God! Yup, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all get a shoutout bc I need them (Thee) every hour, oh how I do... There's so much to say and not say in this juncture....
To God who knew me when I was but a zygote and called me His, THANK YOU!!!
To God who has great purpose for me and is patiently waiting for me to get it together... THANK YOU!!!
To God who planted me where I needed to be but still manages to put up with my silly requests every day... THANK YOU!!!

Psalm 100
"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His, we are His people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations."


Thank You - Richard Smallwood

Thank You - Daryl Coley

Still Gotta Say Thank You - Smokie Norful

Until later,
Blue Lady

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